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How & When To Transition From Bassinet To Crib

It probably feels like yesterday you bought your newborn home from the hospital and they seemed so tiny in the bassinet. But time moves fast, and before you know it you’re starting to wonder when to transition from bassinet to a crib. While there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to this move, there are some signs to look out for and ways to make the transition from bassinet to a crib as smooth as possible.

We take a look at some common concerns around transitioning to a cot and offer expert tips and helpful advice to help ease the confusion.

Baby in bassinet

How do you know when to transition from a bassinet to a crib?

When to move baby from a bassinet to crib depends on a few key indicators that will let you know it’s time to make the change:

Age –Typically at around 6 months of age your baby will be ready to make the switch from bassinet to crib.

Weight – Most bassinets have weight limits, if your baby is reaching the upper end of the limit, it’s time to move on.

Size – If your baby has grown to the point that there isn’t sufficient room to move in the bassinet, this is also a sign to upgrade to a crib. There should be ample space for baby to move and stretch naturally

Development Stage – When your baby begins to show that they have begun the process of rolling over or pulling themselves up, this is a sign to transition your baby to a cot for their comfort and safety.


What is the best age to transition from a bassinet to a crib?

When to move baby to a cot has more to do with size and development than a specific age, but generally speaking at around 6 months of age it will be time to move your baby out of their bassinet and into a cot. This has to do with several factors including your baby’s physical size and development level. Depending on your little one’s growth, they may reach this milestone before the age of 6 months. If you notice your baby not having sufficient room to move in their bassinet or they have begun to pull themselves up, these are signs it’s time to upgrade to a crib.

Things to know before transitioning from bassinet to crib

Once you’ve decided it’s the right time to move your baby into a crib instead of their bassinet, you first need to ensure you have the crib ready to go. You can do this by:

  • Ensuring your crib is properly assembled and complies with local safety standards.
  • Ensure you choose a firm crib mattress that leaves no gaps between the mattress and the side of the crib.
  • Dress the mattress with a mattress protector and a clean fitted sheet only.
  • Consider using a temperature-appropriate sleeping bag as your baby’s bedding.
  • Ensure your baby’s room sits within the optimal sleep temperature range.
  • Make sure there are no loose blankets, toys, or pillows in the cot.
  • Ensure the crib is placed away from obstructions, such as curtain cords.

How do I transition my baby from bassinet to crib in their own room?

Transitioning your baby from a bassinet in your room to a crib in their own room may seem like a challenge, but if you aim to provide consistency and familiarity with the changes, the transition may be smoother for your little one

Create a comfortable sleep environment

Ideal sleep conditions can help make the new sleeping arrangement feel more comfortable for your baby. Ensure the lights are dimmed, the room temperature is comfortable and if your baby is now in a new room or their own room, check to make sure the conditions are favorable for sleep. White noise can help soothe baby during times of transition, especially if you’ve already established it as part of your bedtime routine.

Implement gradual changes

The transition from bassinet to cot may take a little time. Be patient and consistent with your approach and offer reassurance when needed. If you need to implement gradual changes to help your baby settle into the transition, you may choose to begin with daytime naps in the cot until familiarity is established and then gradually move all naps to the cot once your baby is more comfortable in their new bed.

Establish a consistent bedtime routine

Stick to your bed or naptime routine where possible. Consistency is key when establishing healthy sleep habits. Although baby’s bed and room may be different, if you aim to maintain consistency in your bedtime routine such as putting them in their transition suit or sleeping bag, their usual warm bath, and lullaby, this may help ease the transition.

Pay attention to cues

Pay attention to your baby’s cues. If you sense they are feeling initially stressed or uncomfortable with the changes, take some extra time to settle them in their cot by using your regular settling techniques.

Stay around

You may have established a great routine while your baby was in the bassinet and got to a point where you could put your baby down for a nap and leave the room. If you sense your baby needs reassurance when transitioning from bassinet to a cot, consider staying nearby while baby orients themselves with their new sleeping arrangement and gets comfortable. You can incrementally spend less time near to the cot each day until you’re back to putting your baby down to self-soothe.