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Stage 3: On the Move

Before you know it your little one will be sleeping arms free and independently....Read more

Before you know it your little one will be sleeping arms free and independently. As they get used to their wriggly, newfound freedom, you may find your toddler accidentally kicks their blankets off and wakes up in the night because they’re too cold.

That’s where Love To Dream Sleep Bags and Sleep Suits come to the rescue! Our baby sleeping bags and baby sleepsuits can be used from 6 months when your baby is arms-free and no longer swaddled.

Waking up at night time due to feeling cold can occur up to 4 years old. Our Love to Dream baby sleepsuits and sleeping bags are a warmer, safer alternative to blankets to help your little one sleep better through the entire night. Check our temperature and clothing guide to choose the right baby sleeping bag or sleepsuit for your little one. To find out tips about how to get your toddler to sleep. 

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